
Manual entering employment

Did you receive an email of the PO Diensten (HRM Services), requesting to send some documents and fill out a form? This page will explain what exactly is expected of you.

PO Diensten (HRM Services) uitklapper, klik om te openen

The PO Diensten (HRM Services) processes the administrative settlement of your appointment. You will be asked by the PO Diensten (HRM Services) to email information and documents electronically.

Please don’t change the subject heading in our emails because it enhances an easy retrieval of your file.

Meeting about terms of employment uitklapper, klik om te openen

You will be receiving an email about the conditions under which you will be working at the UMC Utrecht. The subjects will be: kind of contract, salary, part time percentage (0-1 fte), secondary working conditions. 

Documents to be delivered uitklapper, klik om te openen

You are requested to deliver a number of documents by email. Not everyone has to deliver the same documents. Beneath, we give a description of the documents, that may be asked of you.

Application for a Certificate of Conduct (VOG)

Certificate of Good Behaviour / Criminal Records Check (if applicable) 

 If you are currently residing in The Netherlands and you are in the possession of a Dutch BSN number (citizen service number) you will receive an email in your private email box from Justis (Ministry of Justice and Safety) with a link for requesting the Certificate of Conduct (Dutch: VOG). If you are not residing in The Netherlands you have to request the Certificate in your country of origin. After receiving the VOG you have to send  the original Certificate of Conduct (Dutch: VOG) to the following email address : and put the original document in our letterbox located at H.01.311.

Please note: you can claim back the costs incurred for applying for your Certificate of Conduct (VOG) as soon as you are employed.

As soon as you have received the Certificate of Conduct (VOG), we ask to send a copy of the original certificate to PO Diensten (HRM Services) will check if the document is an original.

The original Certificate of Conduct (VOG) must have been checked by PO Diensten (HRM Services), at the latest two months following your appointment. If the check cannot be performed, it entails the dissolution of your appointment.

Registration Medical Specialist (RGS)in the Netherlands

The Dutch RGS registration is not known in your country of origin. When you are a Medical specialists in training in The Netherlands and/or a medical specialist you have to register at RGS (the official body for registration). You can email a scan of your registration to

Relevant diplomas

Relevant diplomas are those diplomas, required for executing your function. These diplomas are mentioned in the vacancy that you have applied for.

Originals are not necessary, copies or scans are sufficient. If you will be working in patient care, the UMC Utrecht will check your qualifications by means of verification. With qualifications is meant: diploma, PhD, registration in a medical specialists register or BIG register etc.

There are two procedures leading to verification:

Procedure 1, if you have a Dutch diploma:

Procedure 2

  • UMC Utrecht will contact your educational institute or authority to ask if the diploma has been issued by them. Educational institutes or authorities are not allowed to provide information about diplomas and other earned qualifications to third parties without your permission statement.
  • Send us this statement fully completed and signed via a digital scan/photo at the email address POservicecentruminternationaal@umcutrecht.
  • Proof of registration of current education

Are you following an academic study, but have not yet completed it and acquired a diploma? If the study is required for your function at the UMC Utrecht, you should email a proof of registration of your current education to Medical students of Utrecht University may be required to send us an overview of the study information system Osiris. This may be this case for student assistants or other functions where this is relevant.

Necessary documents for the UMC Utrecht to apply for your residence permit/ work permit

If your nationality belongs to a country that is not a member of the EU, you most likely will need a residence permit, which must be applied for (or extended). The UMC Utrecht cooperates with International Service Desk for this procedure. International Service Desk will contact you with a separate email. The residence permit/work permit application procedure takes 3 months.

Proof of admission to doctoral programme

All PhD students of the University Utrecht and the UMC Utrecht must complete the form ‘Hora est’ - Request for exemption and admission to the promotion” (form 1). The form must be undersigned by the student’s promotor and dean and submitted. For further information, refer to site van de UU.

Subsequently, the PhD student will receive an email by the UU, stating that he or she is admitted to the promotion. He or she should send in a copy of this email to the .

Registration form new employee

Every new employee will receive an email with the subject heading from the PO Diensten (HRM Services). This email contains an annex, the Registration form new employee. We will record the data in the form in our staff administration. We ask you to fill in the form as completely as possible and return it to

By sending the completed form, you declare to comply with the confidentiality code of the UMC Utrecht.

The UMC Utrecht is obliged to verify your identity on the basis of a valid identity card. Only a valid passport or a valid ID card are adequate. You should report yourself with this document at the Facilities Service Centre , at least one work day prior to your first work day:

Facilities Service Centre
Located at H01.311)
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht

The desk is open from 8.00 to 17.00 hrs ( Monday to Friday).

Updated Curriculum vitae

Your Curriculum vitae should at least comprise your address details, all your education and relevant past functions.

Training programme of the Registration Committee Medical Specialists (RGS)

Physicians, in training to become Specialists (AIOS), should provide a scan of the training programme, that they have submitted to the Registration Committee Medical Specialists (RGS).

Central Introduction Programme UMC Utrecht/ e-learning for English speaking employees uitklapper, klik om te openen

Our hospital is all about people: patients, students and colleagues. We wish to offer the best care in a safe and high quality environment to our patients. Every employee makes his/her own contribution to this goal. The UMC Utrecht is of the opinion that all employees should be uniformly informed and instructed about working at the UMC Utrecht. That is why all new employees follow a compulsory central introduction programme and a training programme with their own department.

For our English speaking new employees we have created an E-learning ‘Quality and Safety’ as a central introduction and there is a subsequent decentralized training programme with the department or division. The E-learning and the decentralized training programme constitute a unity.For some functions a recruitment medical test is compulsory. If this applies to your function,  will invite you for a recruitment medical test. If you refuse to be tested or if the test outcome results in a negative advice, the appointment process will be aborted.

All new employees, volunteers, trainees and external staff follow the central introduction programme. The HRM Service Centre will invite you. For English speaking employees the e-learning modules can be accessed through the learning portal of the UMC Utrecht, called Ulearn.

If you have questions on how to log on or you need other information on the learning portal, please contact the helpdesk, (088-755 89 90).

Participation in the central introduction programme is mandatory. After participation in the central introduction programme your UMC Utrecht e-mail account will be activated.

After the central introduction programme, your department has a training programme to further introduce you in the UMC Utrecht. 

Entry examination / recruitment medical test uitklapper, klik om te openen

For some functions an entry examination is desirable. The examination consists of a written questionnaire. will send you this questionnaire. Depending on the answers, a consultation with the company physician may take place. The entry examination is not compulsory and has no consequences for your appointment.

More information uitklapper, klik om te openen

Do you want to know more about the terms of employment of UMC Utrecht? Please go to  our homepage for new employees.

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