Benefits for staff
Nothing but the best for our UMC Utrecht employees. Apart from excellent working conditions, we offer all kinds of benefits. Below, you find a few examples highlighted. You can also download the overview.
Day-care centre uitklapper, klik om te openen
The day-care centre offers day-care to fifty-three children each day in the age category zero to four years old. The children are divided in five groups, an infant group until one-and-a- half years of age, two toddler groups from one-and-a- half until four years and two vertical groups, meaning age zero to four years old. Each group is led by two qualified professionals (mid level or high level qualifications). To enroll, you must be in the employment of the UMC Utrecht. For some groups, we have a waiting list. For information on availability, mail to the staff of the day-care centre.
Staff association (Personeelsvereniging) uitklapper, klik om te openen
The staff association of the UMC Utrecht organises a variety of things for its members, such as outings and attractive discounts . New employees are enrolled as members automatically.
UMC!Uit uitklapper, klik om te openen
UMC!UIT means UMC!OUT and stands for activities and actions during free time.To stay healthy and fit and for recreation after a long work week or day, UMC!UIT! offers a wide range of activities and actions. Naturally, with sharp discounts!
You will find information about UMC!UIT on the intranet Connect via Tab ‘Employees”. You also can subscribe to the two weekly newsletter via, which has the most recent actions and offers.
Housing UMC Utrecht employees uitklapper, klik om te openen
It is not easy to find good housing in Utrecht. The UMC Utrecht has accommodation available for new employees. The accommodation is always for a limited time and usually only suitable for one person. There is often a waiting list. The following target groups can make use of the accommodation of the UMC Utrecht:
- student nurses, interns
- employees up to and including salary scale 8
- foreign employees and guests
- PhD students
Mail for more information.
UMC health Insurance uitklapper, klik om te openen
The UMC health insurance is an insurance for all employees of the eight UMC's in the Netherlands. The UMC health insurance is open to everyone, but employees of the UMC and their family members have very advantageous rates. For more information, have a look at the site of UMC Health Insurance or download the brochure.
Allianz Life Insurance Policy uitklapper, klik om te openen
Employees of UMC Utrecht automatically have a survivor's pension via the ABP. This ensures that your partner has an income when you have passed away. You can see at how high the survivor's pension is for your partner. In addition, you can take out a life insurance policy on a voluntary basis to supplement your partner's income if you were to die before your AOW-age (currently approx. 67) . The UMC's have signed an advantageous contract with Allianz for this. You can register for this insurance within two months of entering employment. NB: In order to qualify for admission you must be able to answer six questions with "yes".
LEV - career development and vitality uitklapper, klik om te openen
The UMC Utrecht has a career development and vitality portal. You will find online courses, tests and an e-coach for your questions about your sustainable employability. Do you prefer an online training course Excel or Design Thinking? That is also possible. You will get access to the portal as soon as you have your UMC Utrecht account.
Staff fund uitklapper, klik om te openen
The Staff Fund is a solidarity fund for and by UMC staff. The Staff Fund assists with loans, compensations and financial coaching. New employees are automatically subscribed, but if they wish, can unsubscribe. For more information, download the brochure.
Invalidity insurance uitklapper, klik om te openen
If you become incapacitated to work, this may have serious consequences for your income. A WIA benefit (Work and Income According to Labour Capacity Act) or an ABP disability benefit may complement your income insufficiently. Make a conscious choice on whether or not you would like to supplement your invalidity insurance. You can have a supplementary insurance at all the larger insurance companies.
The UMC Utrecht has a contract with Loyalis for a supplementary invalidity insurance. Taking part is voluntary. Payment of the premium is done via the salary administration.
Go to Loyalis for additional information or download the brochure.
Sports centre Olympos uitklapper, klik om te openen
Across the road from the UMC-premises, is sports centre Olympos. Olympos has a broad offer of sports, from tennis and fitness to the climbing wall Kalymnos. Staff of the UMC Utrecht can do sports at Olympos against special staff rates.